Mandy Bankson is an abstract painter who uses color and design as a powerful universal language. She creates depth, movement and saturated color with multiple layers of acrylic paint. Her process is fluid and improvisational; she builds a relationship with her paintings. Playful, vibrant, peaceful and mysterious are words used to describe Mandy’s work.
Largely self-taught, Mandy has painted seriously for 30 years. She studied under three artists who deeply influenced her: Robert Rice, Nicholas Wilton and Jeremy Morgan. Her work shows regularly in local galleries and shows and is collected internationally.
After 20 years teaching special education students in an urban area, Mandy moved to a rural home with a large garden, fruit trees and a studio in the backyard. She paints and lives there with her husband, Jim.
Artist’s Statement
As a child I remember sitting under a tree in our large rambling woods in Indiana. I was reading a biology book describing the intricate design found in the tiniest of organisms. Something in me woke up; I saw a connection between order and mystery. This launched a lifetime of looking and making.
My abstract paintings combine playful arrays of color and detailed interactions of line and shape. My creative process celebrates this delight and my hope is to draw the viewer into joy, peace and renewal.